Saturday, July 18, 2009

Equality vs the pernicious forces

(rough draft)

Nature always seeks balance and harmony. Humans in many cases do not seek that harmony, they seek an imbalance which is un-natural.

Greed and power hunger is an incredibly strong human force. The upper classes and elite try with desperate, decisive and selfish actions to cling to their priviledge. It is childish and destructive to act this way and yet there are signs of this everywhere.

This can be overcome now that communication is rapid and global. It takes merely a handful of people to turn this around. Nature loves courage. Do not despair. Your courage will be matched by forces beyond your comprehension.

An example of creating equality:
I look at the google maps, looking down on earth with satellite photography. I see how the Colorado River once ran through USA and down into Mexico feeding all the peoples and farms along the way. I see how now the river is dry before entering Mexico it is cut off at the border. We have robbed our brothers and sisters to the south and they must sneak into our country to farm because we have cut off their water. We can change this. We can all conserve some water, many technologies already exist and we can pass that water down to Mexico. By helping Mexico we also help ourselves and will no longer have to support so many desperate immigrants who burden our social services and rightfully want equality.

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