Monday, August 31, 2009

YouMe options - New Currency

hmmmm a way to beat the greedy banks and credit card systems?

"ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Some people living in Atlanta have found a way to get goods and services without spending their hard-earned cash.
Misty Love discusses YOUME options with A.J. Butler and Nick Viola.

Once a week, this group that calls itself the YOUMEs gather around a campfire in Dr. David Epstein's backyard to offer what they have and to find out who within their community might have something they want.

Each person takes a turn offering assets and announcing needs."

Terence Mckenna - Culture is your operating system

this video by Terence McKenna is brilliant. the more Mckenna i hear the more of a genius i think he is.
he is one of the great poets - philosophers of our time.
usa needs a major culture upgrade and it can be done!
just as learning creates new pathways in the brain, so too can our culture create new pathways.

the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".  

i am making changes and evolving in my own personal journey, making new pathways and working my way closer to my true self and how i wish to manifest my life.  america may also be going through these growing pains right now, god she sure needs to.  greed through capitalism has become so poisonous to our livelihood, freedom, environment, health, privacy and creativity;  a new operating system is needed NOW!

returning to the future

it is interesting to me that people will pay hundreds of dollars
give up showers and home comforts
to experience a simplified life as our nomadic ancestors had once lived
is this a premonition, a hint of the future?
mad max, wars, incarceration and the end of oil our cheap and dirty source of power
which way will the pendulum swing?
one thing is for sure.
americans are desperately seeking community, spirituality based on love not prejudice and alienation.  we are seeking personal freedom of expression and how we use our own bodies.  we tire of a fear based, puritanical government.

The Visionary Eroticism and Political Satire Art of Mark Henson

Mark's sense of eroticism expresses itself in a less voyeuristic
and more spiritual way than most art associated with human passion.
He is more interested in the merging of souls
than the merging of organs.  more 

Pablo Amaringo - Ayahuasca Artist and Shamen

Pablo Amaringo was born in 1943 in Puerto Libertad, in the Peruvian Amazon region. He was ten years old when he first took ayahuasca--a visionary brew used in shamanism, made from the plants Banisteriopsis caapi (yagĂ©) and Psychotria viridis (chacruna). A severe heart illness--and the magical treatment of this via ayahuasca--led Pablo toward the life of a shaman, and he eventually became a powerful curandero--learning the icaros, or healing songs that the ayahuasca brew taught him.  more

Marijuana Travel Guide - We Be High

For those of you who prefer the sacred green herb to a glass of beer
or whatever the government has graciously allowed us to put into our own body
this is a travel guide for marijuana conessiours with legal tolerances, prices, etc.
 frankly i think weed should be legalized taxed and enjoyed.  the once emerging microbrew beer scene comes to mind.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

'Wealth Creation' and the new Salish by Half Past Human

Hmm could this be happening? Talking to many business people there is an attitude of "how can I make more money?" (because I must maintain this hugely expensive lifestyle). The environment and society comes second to materialism for these people. Now don't get me wrong, I want to be wealthy, drive a nice car, buy nice things, it's very true. But I can't stomach doing it at the expense of all my brothers and sisters in the human, plant and animal worlds. I'm really torn about this as I have feet in both worlds of materialism and collective consciousness.

Quote by Half Past Human:

Now in his mid thirties, Patrick is a good representative of a new Salish person. I use the term Salish as it has come to be applied by anthropologists, which is to say as a label for those 'indigenous peoples inhabiting the coastal areas from northern Oregon to the southern most range of the Tinglit peoples of southern Alaska'. Furhter, in my personal definition, the 'new Salish' are those people out creating wealth and their futures in the spirit of 'harmony with earth' that is so characteristic of the original Salish peoples. more

It's the Underground man!

I have always been a big fan of "underground" parties and scene's. What comes to mind for me are rave's in old wharehouses.

Well these people may be the original underground partiers and culture. This also speaks to home security, not really a new subject is it?


First built in the soft volcanic rock of the Cappadocia region by the Phrygians in the 8th–7th centuries B.C according to the Turkish Department of Culture,[2] the underground city at Derinkuyu was enlarged in the Byzantine era. The city could be closed from inside with large stone doors. With storerooms and wells that made long stays possible, the city had air shafts which are up to 100 feet (30 m) deep. Derinkuyu is the largest excavated underground city in Turkey. The complex has a total 11 floors, though many floors have not been excavated. Each floor could be closed off separately. The city was connected with other underground cities through miles of tunnels. The city could accommodate between 3,000 and 50,000 people. more

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Extreme downsizing of homes

is this a future trend in america? or will we be bouncing back to our mcmansions and insanely large mortgages?

Quote from

The sluggish economy, a very iffy housing market, and an aging population with changing housing needs all add up to a new living trend: extreme downsizing. While empty-nesters and newly single older adults have been downsizing in modest degrees for quite some time, the traditional shift from a large home to a smaller condo or mobile home is becoming increasingly, well, extreme.

In Texas, where folks usually like BIG everything, a couple who was planning on building a 3,000-square-foot retirement home decided on extreme downsizing instead. They opted for a 336-square-foot country cabin built from vintage salvage materials. The total cost? $70,000. The home was built by Tiny Texas Houses, which specializes in what they call Salvage Building. According to owner Brad Kittel, “I believe we don’t need as much space as we have become accustomed to in this country... [we can] downsize our carbon footprint, simplify our lives, and live in a house with a soul that will be energy efficient as well as beautiful.”

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fractal Geometry the language of nature. link from a PBS online video documentary about fractals.

When computers can run on fractals and using metaphysics new technologies and ideas will sprout that are far beyond what one can imagine.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

David Icke On 2012

Looking for a recipe for financial success?

Look no further than Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich". He speaks the truth, his lessons are easy to follow and it works.

I wish I had read this earlier in life. Perhaps it only makes sense when you are truly ready to accept the reality contained within.

The movie "The Secret" would be nothing without the teachings of this book, most of the dialogue comes directly from this book "Think and Grow Rich".

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


this is a rather interesting phenomenon where ideas can manifest very quickly through society and it is called a meme. i think it is important to watch for these, see what they tell us and to know where they come from.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My parents believe in mythology

what do you do when your parents are head deep into mythology i.e. christianity and they want you to believe the same thing?